Monday, June 28, 2010

More Glogster EDU

I created a very simple poster on Glogster EDU. It is on the lifecycle of a butterfly. Go here to view it. However, you may need to register and have a username and password to view it. I have also put a screenshot of it below. I have not finished it. But, I can always go back and edit and save it.

Glogster can be used as a tool in the classroom that allows users to create interactive posters to express information. Glogs can also be used as a part of a webquest activity. Teachers can link students to websites that contain valuable information. Videos and photos can be embedded into glogs. Students will have fun exploring the glog. In a more broad scope, Glogs can also be used in the classroom, telecollaboratively, as a part of a blog or wiki. Podcasts can even be embeded into glogs. Students can create their own glogs and import pictures and videos to create posters that expresses an event in history, a science concept, or math concepts that can be shared with others. Four classrooms around the world can use a glog that is embedded into a wiki or blog to communicate and express their ideas about a novel.

Here is a link to sample glog created by Ms. Hughes' fourth grade class. Her students created glogs to express poetry. Each student glog included a picture of the student, the poems they created, and a recording of the student reading the poem. The lesson plan can be found here. The class glog can be found here.

This example is great because it allowed the students to be creative and express themselves. The glogs also gave them a finished product that they could then share with other classes and their families. Having the students read their poems on the glogs also gave them a chance to practice their oral communication skills.

In another example, I found another great glog that was created by a student depiciting the Civil Rights Movement. It includes music, video, and photos. It is a wonderful example of what students can create and share with others in a social studies classroom. Here is the link. Below is a screenshot view of it.

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